Ryan’s journey from a young immigrant to a college graduate is a testament to his dedication and values instilled by his mother, Rosa. Raised with a strong work ethic and principles, Ryan is committed to making a positive impact on his community.

As the first in his family to graduate from high school and college, Ryan’s achievements reflect his determination. His Bachelor’s Degree from the Monfort School of Business and completion of the Leadership Program of the Rockies showcase his commitment to visionary and principle-centered leadership.

Being a single, Latino man with aspirations of owning a home and starting a family, Ryan understands the challenges faced by many in his community. He recognizes the impact of current administration policies, leading to rising inflation, increased crime, and a loss of values and civil liberties.

In the 2022 race, Ryan came remarkably close to victory, highlighting the strong desire for new leadership in House District 50. With just a 330-vote difference, he nearly unseated his opponent, making it the closest House race in Colorado. This demonstrates the community’s eagerness for change and a leader who truly represents their needs.

Ryan Gonzalez is reenergized and ready to continue the fight to restore Colorado to its former greatness. His dedication, combined with the support of residents who seek a positive transformation, makes him the ideal candidate for House District 50. Vote for Ryan Gonzalez to bring about the change the community and Colorado deserve.

Andrea has served on her local Realtor Association Board, a Charter School Board, and presently serves on the Mesa County

Andrea Haitz