Energy, Energy, Energy: Why we need all forms

Oil and Gas development is crucial to the economic success of my district, this county, and this state!

I will always fight to keep the original “clean energy” industry working to better our economy and supply good jobs to my constituents. But we need all forms of energy to move forward as a state and a nation.

There is a good reason for that. All energy sources do different things. Fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas generate electricity, while wind and solar benefit the environment and are sustainable, and nuclear energy is good for things that need high temperatures such as industrial facilities. Nuclear energy is reliable and clean.

Not one fuel source can stand alone, but Democrats in the General Assembly push back against coal, oil, and gas every opportunity they get, despite the fact petroleum is used in everything they cherish daily: asphalt and road oil, plastics, and synthetic materials that can be found in nearly everything we use.

Energy drives everything we do. Small businesses cannot survive with the rising cost of gas and electricity. I promise I will support and promote ALL sources of energy, and that starts with loosening the regulations against the oil and gas industry and bringing them back to the table to discuss Colorado’s energy future.

We all have to work together to bring down the cost of maintaining a home or doing business so families and small business owners are not struggling to make ends meet.
